Glossopsitta porphyrocephala  

Purple-crowned Lorikeet (Glossopsitta porphyrocephala)
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© Vik Dunis 2012
Serendip Sanctuary, VIC (Mar, 2012)

On a visit to the Parks Victoria run Serendip Sanctuary at Lara we were lucky enough to bump into Paul Dodd and Ruth Woodrow who probably know the place and its birds better than anyone.

Paul identified a tree from which he could hear Purple-crowned Lorikeets calling and sure enough, this little bird and a mate were soon spotted high in the upper branches.

Thanks to Paul, the Purple-crowned Lorikeet became the 501st Australian bird species I have photographed.

The sanctuary is a delightful place to visit both for the wild birds there and for the captive native birds and animals kept in very natural conditions. And did I mention it's free!

Purple-crowned Lorikeet (Glossopsitta porphyrocephala)

Purple-crowned Lorikeet

Purple-crowned Lorikeet (Glossopsitta porphyrocephala)

Purple-crowned Lorikeet

Purple-crowned Lorikeet (Glossopsitta porphyrocephala)

Purple-crowned Lorikeet

Purple-crowned Lorikeet (Glossopsitta porphyrocephala)

Purple-crowned Lorikeet

Purple-crowned Lorikeet (Glossopsitta porphyrocephala)

Purple-crowned Lorikeet

Purple-crowned Lorikeet (Glossopsitta porphyrocephala)

Purple-crowned Lorikeet